According to Scarborough (2014) the 10 myths of e-commerce are the following:Myth
1. If I launch a site, customers will flock to it.Myth 2. Online customers are easy to please.Myth 3. Making money on the Web is easy.Myth 4. Privacy is not an important issue on the Web.Myth 5. “Strategy? I don’t need a strategy to sell on the Web! Just give me a Web site, and the rest will take care of itself.”Myth 6. The most important part of any e-commerce effort is technology.Myth 7. Customer service is not as important online as it is in a traditional retail store.Myth 8. Flashy Web sites are better than simple ones.Myth 9. It’s what’s up front that counts.Myth 10. It’s too late to get into e-commerce.Select one myth and explain and how to avoid falling victim to it.
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