Sunday, November 1, 2020 APA STYLE

Research Design: In this part of the paper, use your previous analysis of the existing research in the field to develop your research design. You will re-identify a gap in the research you have reviewed (utilizing the feedback that I left you in the worksheet), explain how the research supports further exploration of that aspect of cognitive psychology, and develop a research question addressing the gap. You will then determine an appropriate research design and explain how it could be implemented, and how you will account for issues of ethics in your proposed research question.The following critical elements must be addressed:A. Using the feedback I provided to you in the worksheet, restate the gap you identified in the research that is unexplored or underdeveloped. For example, is there an unexplored aspect of your topic you believe could be further explored?B. Using the feedback I provided to you in the worksheet, develop and provide a basic research question addressing the identified gap. In other words, create a question that you could answer in potential research further investigating your identified gap. Be sure to support your developed research question with examples from research to support your claims.C. Determine an appropriate research design that addresses your research question regarding your topic and explain why this design was chosen and why it’s appropriate (e.g. correlational, observational, longitudinal, and so forth). Be sure to also explain how you envision implementing your research (number of subjects, the location where you might conduct your study, and what type of measures you might use to evaluate what you are studying).D. Explain how you will ensure that your own proposed research design follows ethical guidelines. In other words, how will you ensure that issues of ethics associated with your proposed research have been managed appropriately? Be sure to utilize the APA ethics code and support your explanation with examples from the research you presented in your worksheet.E. Explain how your approach to accounting for issues of ethics was informed and influenced by your review of the existing research in the field. In other words, what did you learn from the reviewed research in terms of how to address issues of ethics that you were able to incorporate in your own design?RubricGuidelines for Submission: You will upload the milestone as a Word document to Blackboard for grading and feedback. Once the submissions are graded, you will be able to review the feedback provided to you in the grading rubric. Your worksheet should be completed following proper APA citation and reference format.Any thoughts that are not your own MUST be cited in proper APA format. Direct quotes (short and long) MUST be cited and formatted following APA guidelines. Even if you paraphrase information, it MUST be cited. Papers are being evaluated through SafeAssign. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. If plagiarism is discovered, it will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment and possible disciplinary action. AU’s writing center can assist you if you are unsure. You can also use the following Purdue OWL link: help you with your citations and references and you can avoid plagiarism by also using one of the following plagiarism checking links:,, and the attached grading rubric for more details.RUBRICLiterature Review: Main Elements of Cognition10(12.50%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsSummarizes the evidence presented in the existing research in the field regarding the main elements of cognitionNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsSummarizes the evidence regarding the main elements of cognition, but summary is superficial or contains inaccuraciesNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not summarize the evidence presented in the existing research regarding the main elements of cognitionFeedback:you did a great job summarizing the general information from each article you chose for your worksheet. You stuck to the facts and did not use any fluffLiterature Review: Cognitive Processes Influence10(12.50%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsSummarizes the evidence presented in the existing research for how cognitive processes influence human behaviorNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsSummarizes the evidence for how cognitive processes influence behavior, but summary is superficial or contains inaccuraciesNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not summarize the evidence in the research for how cognitive processes influence human behaviorFeedback:a very good job explaining how the cognitive processes you identified influence behaviorLiterature Review: Research Designs8(10.00%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsDescribes the specific research designs used in the presented research to address research questionsNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsDescribes the research designs used in the presented research to address research questions, but description is superficial, contains inaccuracies, or response does not reference specific research designs from the researchNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not describe the research designs used in the presented research to address research questionsFeedback:Only in the third study did you specify that it was a brain imaging study. In the first one you gave me the results. Not what the design was (e.g. experimental, correlational, etc.)Literature Review: Conduct Research10(12.50%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsExplains how research designs were used by authors in the sources to conduct researchNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsExplains how research designs were used in the sources to conduct research but explanation is superficial or contains inaccuraciesNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not explain how research designs were used in the sources to conduct the researchFeedback:You did an excellent job presenting how the research was conductedLiterature Review: Ethics0(0.00%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsDiscusses how ethical issues were addressed in the presented research, using examples from the researchNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsDiscusses how ethical issues were addressed in the presented research, but discussion is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or lacks examples from researchNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not discuss how ethical issues were addressed in the presented researchFeedback:There was no explanation at all as to how each of the studies followed ethical guidelines (e.g. informed consent, confidentiality, etc.)Literature Review: Overall Conclusions10(12.50%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsExplains the general conclusions that can be reached based on analysis & review of the presented research using examples from the research sourcesNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsExplains the general conclusions that can be reached based on analysis and review of the research but explanation is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or lacks examples from researchNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not explain the general conclusions that can be reached based on analysis and review of the presented researchFeedback:Great job presenting your conclusions. I could really tell that you utilized critical thinking skillsResearch Plan: Gap0(0.00%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 5 (6.25%) pointsIdentifies a gap in the existing research that is either entirely unexplored or underdevelopedNeeds Improment 4 (5.00%) pointsIdentifies a gap in the existing research that is entire unexplored or underdeveloped, but identification contains inaccuraciesNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not identify a gap in the researchFeedback:A gap in research is an area of research that has either not been studied at all or has not been studied enough. What you provided me were facts (good facts) but there was not clear identification of a gapResearch Plan: Research Question5(6.25%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 5 (6.25%) pointsDevelops a basic research question addressing the identified gap and is supported by examples from the researchNeeds Improment 4 (5.00%) pointsDevelops a basic research question addressing the identified gap, but the research question is superficial, contains inaccuracies, or lacks examples from the researchNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsDoes not develop a basic research question addressing the identified gapFeedback:Great research question.Writing Mechanics8(10.00%)Levels of Achievement:Proficient 10 (12.50%) pointsWriting is in APA format, easily understood, and clear, using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations, references & grammarNeeds Improment 8 (10.00%) pointsWriting is understandable using proper citation methods where applicable with a number of errors in APA format, citations, references, & grammarNot Evident 0 (0.00%) pointsWriting is very difficult to understand, does not use proper citation methods & has significant errors in APA format, references, & grammarFeedback:You have basically copy/pasted entire sections of information that has not been properly placed in quotation marks nor have the secondary sources been cited properly. Copy/pasting information shows me that you can identify important information but it does not show me how you critically analyze that information. Paraphrasing at least some of the information would have demonstrated thatRaw Total: 61.00 (of 80)Name:PSY319-MILESTONE 1