Annotated Bib

Locate 10 peer-reviewed articles within the last 5 years (2014-Now) on the subject of Children of Prisoners.Specific themes for these articles and this subject are;· the gender of the inmate, if that makes a difference of mom versus dad, gender of the child, is one more vulnerable than the other (Boy or girl)·  type of crime that was committed, violent crimes or ones that require a longer sentence (prison) versus something that requires a shorter sentence (jail),· types of visitation, video conference, physically seeing and talking to the parent or is there a glass partition that separates the visit,· is the child being supported in visiting the parent or how often are they able to see the parent· Re-introduction of the parent to the family, less monetary contribution or none at all even if the parent is out, recidivism rates of convicts that get married or have a childA list of articles that CANNOT be used will be attached.This is an annotated bibliography and the set-up of how to conduct it is attached below. Please follow this instructions.