ASAP Discussions

In this unit, you are examining how you are affected by your sensations, perceptions, and different states of consciousness. Though appearing as separate processes, these three concepts are experienced in a fluid, continuous experience. By breaking them down and examining them further you can gain more understanding of human thinking and behavior. Consider your career goals and what sensations and perceptions will be most important for you to be productive and successful in your work. Discuss what states of consciousness could impact your work and those around you that impact your work. Describe what Gestalt psychology is about and explain why it does or does not relate to your career goals.2. In this unit, you are examining how you are affected by your sensations, perceptions, and different states of consciousness. Though appearing as separate processes, these three concepts are experienced in a fluid, continuous experience. By breaking them down and examining them further you can gain more understanding of human thinking and behavior. Consider your career goals and what sensations and perceptions will be most important for you to be productive and successful in your work. Discuss what states of consciousness could impact your work and those around you that impact your work. Describe what Gestalt psychology is about and explain why it does or does not relate to your career goals.3. In this unit, you are looking at different theories that attempt to explain human personality, as well as how people are influenced by those around them. All of these theories have strongly impacted the field of psychology, but usually one stands out above the rest for each individual student. . In this Discussion Board, you will further examine a theory of your choosing and use it to help explain why you have chosen to go into your career field. You will also choose a peer-reviewed research article from the library that relates to your career field in some important way. This will help you practice choosing a peer-reviewed research article for later discussions and your Unit 8 Assignment. After reading about the different personality theories (psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, social-cognitive, biological, trait), choose one that most interests you. Describe the theory and why you think it helps explain your career choice. Use the abstract and introduction section of your chosen peer-reviewed research article to explain how it relates to your career choice. Use the Cite link next to your article to include an APA reference to it.4. In your reading this week, you learned about the definition of psychological disorders and how to diagnose and classify them. You also took a closer look at symptoms to some of the more common psychological disorders that we see these days. Explain what is necessary to determine if a person may have a psychological disorder. Discuss what the library research article indicated about depression in our society. Choose one psychological disorder to examine more closely. Describe the symptoms that would be necessary to determine that a person may have this disorder.5. In this unit, as you further your knowledge about psychological treatment and therapy, consider a possible psychological problem that a person might have in your career field. Locate a peer-reviewed research article from the Purdue Global Library that somehow relates to this psychological problem. Describe what psychotherapy technique would be most helpful in addressing a psychological problem that a person may have in your career field. Discuss what treatment modality would be most helpful in addressing the psychological problem (i.e., biomedical, individual, group, family, couples counseling). Explain which research article you chose and what can be learned from it by focusing on information in the abstract and introductory section. Be sure to use the cite link next to the article to help reference the article APA style.6In this unit, you are examining how people learn information and how they develop. Behaviorism is a school of thought in psychology that attempts to explain learning through different types of associations and conditioning. Think about how this type of learning occurs in your own life, as well as developmental theories. Describe things that you have learned through the process of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. How did you learn them? Choose one of the developmental debates and explain your view on it with relevant examples (continuous/discontinuous, one course/many, nature/nurture). Identify one theorist of development (Piaget, Erikson, Freud, or Kohlberg) and explain why this person’s theory makes the most sense to you.In this unit, you are further examining thinking, intelligence, and memory. Think about typical problems that college students face and ways in which they go about solving them. Consider ways that you stimulate intelligence, use emotional intelligence, and study effectively. Describe a common type of problem that a college student has to solve. What types of bias can influence people’s decisions? Discuss what helps stimulate intelligence in your environment and how emotional intelligence impacts your life. Explain a study technique that you have found to be particularly effective. How is it similar to or different from the strategies discussed in the text