Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) CLINICAL

YOUR CLINICAL  SHOULD  ADDRESS  THE  FOLLOWING  POINTS:Include a title page and reference page.·Symptoms and Prevalence rates– According to the DSM-5 criteria, what are the typical symptoms seen in the disorder you are researching.NO BULLETING OF SYMPTOMS. Prevalence rates should include sub-cultures of the US such as African American, Asian American, Hispanic American populations as well as rates in 2  countries. (1pt.)·Cultural variables– You should list what world cultures your disorder is found in and if itpresents with the same symptom picturereported in the U.S. (Prevalence rates should be addressed in the Symptoms and Prevalence section above.) For example: Schizophrenia is found in every culture/country in the world however, it is perceived differently in some cultures. You should also include subcultures of the US (e.g. African American, Asian American, Native American, Hispanic). (2pts)·Age of onset and Gender features- What is the average age when symptoms appear that lead to a diagnosis? For Gender features:  Does the symptom picture present differently in men compared to women? Is it more common in one sex as opposed to the other? Eg. Bipolar is equally common among men and women, major depression is diagnosed 2X more in women than in men etc. (1pt.)·Etiology- Describe the biology and genetics involved in the disorder you are researching.o Neurotransmitter systems and sub-cortical structures of the brain: What are the neurotransmitter systems and sub-cortical brain structures that are dysregulated or atrophied that give rise to the development of the disorder you are researching? Is it a purely biological disorder such as schizophrenia or bipolar or is it a trauma-based disorder that affects the biology of the individual such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dissociative disorders, or depression etc.?o Is the disorder you are researching heritable? Does it run in families such as the mood disorders and anxiety disorders, or the dementia group (Alzheimer’s disease) etc.?  (2pt)·Course and Prognosis– Does the disorder you are researching have a chronic course such as some anxiety disorders (e.g. generalized anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder?) Does it have a variable course such as seen in borderline personality disorder, or possibly episodic as seen in depression?For Prognosis: What is the end result you expect to see with regard to the symptom picture? E.g. What would the symptom picture look like when the person is age 70. E.g. Would the client still have to be on medication or still need to be in therapy? Would they still exhibit the complete criteria of symptoms of the disorder or would many of the symptoms abate by advanced age? (1pt)·Current treatment- What is the most efficacious treatment model for the disorder you have chosen to research (Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Behavioral Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, etc. or is it best treated with a combination or with an eclectic approach).o Explain the main underlying theory of the treatment used.o Give an example of ONE technique that would be used from the therapy used to treat someone with the disorder you are researching. (1pt.)·Differential diagnosis– Compare and contrast another disorder (ONE) which is similar and how to differentiate it from the disorder you have chosen to research. In what ways is it similar and in what ways is it dissimilar?  (How do you tell it apart?) E.g. Major Depression vs Persistent Depressive Disorder (formerly known as Dysthymia). (2pt.)Must be double spaced (12pt type and Times New Roman)Must have within text citations. THIS IS A MUSTArticles, the DSM-5, books, and online sources are fine (.org more preferable but .com is fine with discretion). Try to use empirical sources when possible.  E.g. Journal of Abnormal Psychology etc.NO BULLETSNO WIKAPEDIA.**Do not use the text book or myself as an instructor as a source.***Ideally 10 to 12 pages all together including title and reference pages.NO LESS THAN 8 PAGES FOR YOUR TEXT. YOU CAN EXTEND THE NUMBER OF REF. PAGES IF NECESSARY.o Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)