ABM-Based Gaming Simulation

Chapter 13 discussed managing complex systems and chapter 15 introduced the advantages of visual decision support. Discuss how you would combine the two concepts to create visualizations for an ABM-Based Gaming simulation for policy making. First, describe what specific policy you’re trying to create. Let’s stick with the SmartCity scenario. Describe a specific policy (that you haven’t used before), and how you plan to use ABM-Based Gaming to build a model for simulate the effects of the policy. Then, describe what type of visualization technique you’ll use to make the model more accessible. Use figure 15.9 and describe what data a new column for your policy would contain.

Use class materials or open web credible resources for this discussion. (Maximum 150 words, initial post latest by Thursday). References and in-text citations must be APA compliant. Please, respond substantially to a minimum of two colleagues’ posts.