answer the research questions

1.Explain the difference between reliability and validity differ? How do they complement each other? Can a measure be reliable but invalid?

Assignment 6-1: Updated course-based research proposal

You must submit an updated course-based research proposal prior to the start of class to the course instructor that will include the following:

  1. Introduction – half page rationale for your chosen course-based research topic.
  2. Type of research – (refer to powerpoint for module 1)
  3. Purpose of research – discuss the purpose of your proposed course-based research study and what is it that you hope to achieve? (refer to powerpoint for module 1)
  4. Research Paradigm – explain your choice of research paradigm (refer to powerpoint for module 1)
  5. Novelty – Explain how your research topic/focus is novel.
  6. Benefits – Explain how will you and/or the profession of Social Work benefit from your research?
  7. Statement of Research Question
  8. Sample Method (i.e., How will you select your sample? How many subjects will be involved in the study?)

Assignment Instructions: You will be given time working on the sampling method and present an updated drafted course-based research proposal to the class for feedback and submit a copy of your assignment to the instructor through Blackboard by the midnight of Feb 06.