arget market including demographic profile b.‎Customer motivation to buy c.‎ Ma

4 pages

Our business idea is the expansion of Asnan Tower a leading dental facility in Kuwait that is considered the ‎biggest and the best in the Middle East.‎ In our facility we use nothing but the best for our customers

discus the company basing on the following

7.‎  Marketing strategy a.‎  Target market including demographic profile b.‎Customer motivation to buy c.‎  Market size and trends d.‎  Advertising and promotional strategy including a full integrated communications strategy e.‎  Pricing f.‎  Image in the marketplace g.‎  Comparative pricing to competitors h.‎  Distribution strategy ‎8.‎  Location and layout ‎9.‎  Competitor analysis ‎10.‎Description of management team ‎11.‎ Plan of operation ‎12.‎  Financial forecasts ‎13.‎  Loan or investment capital proposal