Assignment 1: Formal Report Length: 2500 words Marks: 20 (weighting: 20% of course) Due date: 22 August 2014 Course objectives This assignment will address the…

Assignment 1: Formal ReportLength: 2500 wordsMarks: 20 (weighting: 20% of course)Due date: 22 August 2014Course objectivesThis assignment will address the following course objectives in whole or in part:develop an understanding of the process of workplace communication and demonstrate active listening techniques.demonstrate a high level of business writing skills in a variety of contexts.demonstrate non-sexist and non-discriminatory language and effective communication in the business environment.Assignment scenarioYou are the principal of Communication Excellence, a consultancy specialising in providing business executives with advice on improving their organisation’s communication skills. TelCell, a telephony company, has engaged you to develop a report to improve communication effectiveness supporting their fledgling Customer Relations Management (CRM) program.As a starting point, you have been asked to identify how to break down communication barriers. From discussions with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TelCell, Ms Anjali Stone, you determine that there are several elements, which need to be addressed:active listening to reduce communication barriers;negotiation techniques which could be used to assist effective customer complaint resolution; andcustomer dissatisfaction (which has been increasing, in the company’s showrooms, call centres and online customer service).After an initial investigation, your analysis reveals that staff on the front-line of customer contact requires professional development to assist them in closing the gap that exists between TelCel’s previous approach to customer service and CRM in resolving customer grievances for the mutual benefit of the customer and the organisation.Your report will discuss these topics and make recommendations to assist TelCel to improve its CRM through more effective staff communication, negotiation and complaint resolution skills.TasksPrepare a formal report which:Explains CRM and the skills and techniques associated with it, specifically, active listening, negotiation, and dealing with customer complaints.Makes recommendations on how TelCell can improve CRM.Note: You are able to embellish the above scenario by adding any contextual details you may require to support your report.MGT1200 Assignment 1 marking sheetStudent name: _____________________________________________________________Student number: ____________________________________________CriterionPossible markActual markMemo/letter of transmittal1Report title page1Table of Contents1Executive summary2Introduction [Aim, Authorisation, Scope, Limitations]2BodyGeneral explanation of CRM1Explain of the process of active listening2Identify approaches to negotiation3Discuss appropriate strategies for dealing with customer complaints3Conclusions1Recommendations4ReferencingIn-text referencing2Reference list2Total25/25Additional comments: