Assignment for Nancy Carol

Question 1. 1. Sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson found that, although the sequence of phases of the sexual response cycle is similar for men and women, men are more variable, tending to respond more slowly but often remaining aroused longer than women. (Points : 1)[removed]True[removed]False[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 2. 2. Suppose that groups of young Black and White women are asked to rate photographs of thin, average, and large models on dimensions such as attractiveness, and to rate themselves on how comfortable they are with their own body sizes. It is most likely that the ________ females will give the large models lower ratings and the ________ women will be more comfortable with their own body sizes. (Points : 1)[removed]White; Black[removed]White; White[removed]Black; White[removed]Black; Black[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 3. 3. Alfred Kinsey is best known in the history of sexual research for his (Points : 1)[removed]recordings of human sexual intercourse under laboratory conditions.[removed]large-scale interviews of Americans about their sexual behavior.[removed]development of an evolutionary theory of human sexuality.[removed]controversial theories of erotic attraction.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 4. 4. Based on his pioneering research on hunger, Walter Cannon concluded that (Points : 1)[removed]peripheral cues for hunger are secondary to central brain mechanisms.[removed]pressure stimulates the production of enzymes in the stomach.[removed]stomach cramps are responsible for hunger.[removed]stomach cramps are a necessary cue, but not a sufficient cue for hunger.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 5. 5. A student believes that her inability to make the cheerleading team is due to a coach who is biased. According to Fritz Heider, she will probably (Points : 1)[removed]try even harder next time she tries out for the team.[removed]not be affected by this experience.[removed]make an attribution to dispositional forces next time.[removed]give up trying to make the cheerleading team.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 6. 6. In the approach of Clark Hull with respect to biological conditions, organisms seek to increase tension or avoid homeostasis. (Points : 1)[removed]True[removed]False[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 7. 7. Why do homosexuals often experience social distress? (Points : 1)[removed]They cannot speak openly about their lives.[removed]They are accepted by their relatives and friends.[removed]Society looks up to them.[removed]They feel very proud of themselves.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 8. 8. The work of pioneering physiologist Walter Cannon conclusively demonstrated that gastric activity in an empty stomach is the sole basis for hunger. (Points : 1)[removed]True[removed]False[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 9. 9. A proponent of the “contact hypothesis” would likely attempt to reduce the hostility that two groups show toward each other by (Points : 1)[removed]encouraging personal interaction between the members of the hostile groups in the pursuit of shared goals.[removed]reducing the amount of contact between members of the hostile groups.[removed]increasing any in-group bias that might be present within the groups.[removed]increasing the resources that are available to the groups.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 10. 10. Based on the research of Irving Janis, if you want to prevent groupthink from occurring in groups in which you are working, you should (Points : 1)[removed]make sure the group is highly cohesive.[removed]encourage dissent within the group.[removed]insulate the group from expert opinion.[removed]rely on a strongly directed leader.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 11. 11. People who have an interdependent concept of the self are more likely to experience cognitive dissonance than people who have an independent self-concept. (Points : 1)[removed]True[removed]False[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 12. 12. Which of the following scenarios is an example of instrumental aggression? (Points : 1)[removed]The teacher becomes angry at her class and throws an eraser at one child.[removed]A girl hits a boy because the boy is calling her names.[removed]A group of adolescents ridicules the least popular kid in their class.[removed]A hockey player injures an opponent so that his own team will win the game.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 13. 13. When you answer the doorbell, you encounter a young person who hands you a free laminated bookmark and then asks whether you would be interested in subscribing to some magazines. This person is using the sales technique based on (Points : 1)[removed]self-perception.[removed]commitment.[removed]the reciprocity norm.[removed]scarcity.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 14. 14. Racism is best defined as (Points : 1)[removed]discrimination against people based on their skin color or ethnic heritage.[removed]stereotyping people on the basis of personality traits.[removed]evaluation of one’s own group as better than others.[removed]categorizing people into groups based on genetic factors.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 15. 15. When a person holds an attitude, (Points : 1)[removed]the attitude is usually overt and verifiable by others.[removed]the person may not be consciously aware of the particular attitude he or she holds.[removed]the person’s behavior will not be affected by the attitude.[removed]the attitude will be unrelated to how the person structures his or her social reality.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 16. 16. In order for a person who holds a false belief to be labeled as prejudiced, the false belief must (Points : 1)[removed]be unconscious.[removed]lead to an attitude of preference toward another human being.[removed]resist change even in the face of evidence against its validity.[removed]be based on cultural norms of proper behavior.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 17. 17. Psychologists identify three types of information that give rise to attitudes. All of the following are suggested as a type of such information EXCEPT for which one? (Points : 1)[removed]vicarious[removed]cognitive[removed]behavioral[removed]affective[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 18. 18. Based on the theory of Leon Festinger, the state of conflict that someone experiences after taking an action, making a decision, or being exposed to information that is contrary to his or her beliefs is known as (Points : 1)[removed]moral anxiety.[removed]cognitive dissonance.[removed]behavioral disconfirmation.[removed]dispositional attribution.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 19. 19. The fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency of people to overestimate ________ factors and to underestimate ________ factors. (Points : 1)[removed]dispositional; situational[removed]situational; dispositional[removed]distinctive; dispositional[removed]incorrect; situational[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 20. 20. A girl likes a boy and he finds out about her feelings. If this girl and boy are similar to most people, it can be predicted that the boy will develop the same feelings for the girl, based on the idea of (Points : 1)[removed]normative influence.[removed]reciprocity.[removed]similarity.[removed]physical attractiveness.