Blind Spots, Max H. Bazerman and Ann E. Tenbrunsel, business and finance homework help

Reading the following articles:

From Manager’s Bookshelf

  • Reading 1: Blind Spots, Max H. Bazerman and Ann E. Tenbrunsel, summarized by Linda Hefferin 213
  • Reading 2: Authentic Leadership, Bill George, summarized by Randy Skalberg 218
  • Reading 1: Prisoners of Our Thoughts, Alex Pattakos, summarized by Gary P. Olson 225

From Helpful Resources

  • Institute for Corporate ethics, and
  • Ethical Corporation Magazine

Gould, Jay W. (1999). Ethics: a pencil case. Journal of Management History, 5(8), 506-512.

Schwab, Bernhard (June, 1996). A note on ethics and strategy: Do good ethics always make for good business? Strategic Management Journal, 17(6), 499-500.

Find articles written from 2000 to 2015 and after that discuss

  • Ethical issues in corporations (this can be domestic or international or both)

Discussion topic:

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a federal government response to corporate ethics problem. In your opinion, and using support (citations) from your readings, does this Act do enough to help solve ethical dilemma among public corporations in the US? If not, what other actions would be appropriate?