Visit the Sanatan Society website and select one deity to research.Create an 8- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that includes the following:Provide a brief history of Hinduism.Summarize the mythology and functions of one Hindu god or goddess.What is the role of the sacred texts in Hinduism?Define these concepts in Hinduism: maya, karma, moksha, samsara, and atman.Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.For Local Campus students, these are 10- to 15-minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab above.Grading Matrix:This presentation is worth 10% of your final grade but will be marked out of 100 points.Content: (Possible 70 points)Provide a brief history of Hinduism (10 points).Summarize the mythology and functions of one Hindu god or goddess (15 points).What is the role of the sacred texts in Hinduism (10 points).Define these concepts in Hinduism: maya, karma, moksha, samsara, and atman (5 points per concept for a total of 25 points).Presentation clearly describes each element required through the use of detailed Speaker’s Notes (10 points).Style and Mechanics: (Possible 30 points)Presentation includes at least 10 slides including an initial slide with title and your name (10 points).Up to ten points will be given for writing style, grammar, logical flow, and spelling.Ten points can be earned for good use of interesting visual aids, and for good presentation etiquette (maximum 5 lines per slide; minimum 24 point font).