Description: |
Deliverable Length: 2–3 pages minimum, plus organizational chart
Course Objectives:
- Integrate concepts from previous lower division classes into a comprehensive project
- Apply hospitality concepts to a real world scenario.
- Identify, analyze, and apply hospitality marketing data.
In major business operations, managers typically focus their attention on devising the best strategic and tactical plans. To succeed, they also must have an understanding of the human side of management, which incorporates the alignment of the company’s cultures, values, people, and behaviors, to encourage the desired results. Additionally, demonstrating financial sustainability is crucial to a well-written business plan.
Continue developing your concept by clarifying human resources issues.
Submit the following deliverables:
- Organizational chart
- Human resources plan (how will you recruit, interview, hire, and train employees)
- Submit a P and L Pro Forma that demonstrates your business sustainability by providing:
- Estimated Sales for a typical month
- Estimated Cost of Goods Sold for a typical month
- Estimated Labor Cost for a typical month
- Estimated Variable Expenses (examples are smallwares, paper products, chemicals, and linens)
- Estimated Fixed Expenses (examples are rent, salaries, and insurance)
- Estimated Net Profit
Please submit your assignment.
You will be graded on the following:
Adherence to deliverable length, proper grammar, and APA format.
Organizational chart
Monthly Pro Forma P and L
Human resources plan