Criminal Justice: Manifestations of terrorism

Provide methods for identifying and categorizing them. Based on the material covered in Martin’s textbook and the articles available in the Supplementary Reading Packets:

  1. Select three of the types of terrorism discussed: state, dissident, religious, left-wing v. right-wing, or international.
  2. Describe each type you have selected in your own words and provide at least two specific groups who serve as examples of each type of terrorism.
  3. Compare and contrast all three types you have chosen.

Additional Guidelines:

  1. Your paper should include a title page, an abstract, no less than 5 pages of written text (1-inch margins, 12-point font, double-spaced), and a bibliography.
  2. The body of your text will include an introduction stating the purpose of your paper, several well-formulated paragraphs of no less than five sentences with appropriate transition sentences between them, and a conclusion bringing your paper to an orderly close.
  3. You must use your textbook and at least three articles from the Supplementary Reading Materials as primary sources for your paper.
  4. Your entire paper – from the layout to the citations – must conform to APA format to include abstract page and also a closing/summery paragraph.

Textbook:  Martin, G. (2012). Understanding terrorism: Challenges, perspectives, and issues (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  ISBN: 9781452205823

Supplemental reading:

American Behavioral Scientist-2002-LEVIN-958-88.pdf

American Behavioral Scientist-2003-Snowden-699-713.pdf

Crime Media Culture-2006-Mythen-123-42.pdf


Journal of Communication Inquiry-2003-Duffy-291-312.pdf

Media, War & Conflict-2008-Mogensen-31-49.pdf

Media, War & Conflict-2008-Taylor-118-24.pdfThe ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science-2006-Zenko-87-102.pdf

The Harvard International Journal of Press_Politics-2005-Aday-3-21.pdf

The International Journal of Press_Politics-2011-Lee-335-56.pdf

The Harvard International Journal of Press_Politics-2007-Woods-3-20.pdf

American Behavioral Scientist-2001-PITCAVAGE-957-81.pdf

American Behavioral Scientist-2002-EZEKIEL-51-71.pdf

American Behavioral Scientist-2008-Byng-659-74.pdf

Homicide Studies-2011-Gruenewald-177-203.pdf

Journal of Black Studies-2000-Sharpe-604-23.pdf

Journal of Conflict Resolution-2005-Davenport-120-40.pdf

Journal of Urban History-2008-Katz-185-208.pdf

Race Class-2006-Davidson-47-67.pdf

Security Dialogue-2007-Erickson-197-214.pdf