develop clear purpose of the company ChristianWorks and BreakWay program

You should develop clear purpose of the company ChristianWorks and BreakWay program. 

Read the Product Information.pdf, and also do the research online (homepage of ChristianWorks, etc.), then to answer the questions below to write 600 words paper (do not write introduction and conclusion, just begin to answer questions.)

1.  What is the purpose of ChristianWorks and the BreakWay program?

2.  Are there other companies out there that have the same purpose?

3.  How does each of the 8 ideas below align with the purpose of the program?

a)  Use social media to send out helpful tips for grieving children.

b)  Enhance the existing website or create a new one.

c)  Send out email updates about the product and future products.

d)  Advertising the program on the social media webpages of schools/churches.

e)  Sending links to the customers to view for the product details.

f)  Publishing the product with visuals and audio online.

g)  Start a question forum via a blog.

h)  Have seminars at churches about the program.