Did any of the following individuals in Texas Gulf Sulfur violate civil or criminal law by breaching a fiduciary duty or engaging in insider trading?

Did any of the following individuals in Texas Gulf Sulfur violate civil or criminal law by breaching a fiduciary duty or engaging in insider trading?Drake (75-100 words)Stephens (75-100 words)Crawford (75-100 words)Huntington (75-100 words)Use Times New Roman 12pt.No references required.May be submitted no earlier than 48 hours before the deadline.Must be submitted in the Canvas’s submission box as a word document (doc, docx).Students can form a study group but must be completed independently before submission.Students must adhere to the length of the response to each question as indicated below each question.Must be completely free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.I will submit suspicious Cases (plagiarism) to Turnitin.com, and if there is a violation, the student will get an “F” for the course, minimum.Points will be deducted for each violation.