Essay on a bank

The topic of this paper is Wells Fargo Bank.  Complete the following topicsno introduction or conclusion is needed.

10 pages, 12 point Times New Roman Font, Double Spaced.

APA format with citations, 

Write an analysis of the Macro-Environment which influences Wells Fargo Bank (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological forces; Global Factors; Threats & Opportunities facing the strategy of Wells Fargo

Analysis of Organization – Measurement and control system – what is their Current financial position; Use financial analysis tools – Compare Wells Fargo with competitors and standards. Include global considerations.  Describe the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

Current Strategies, Alignment with goals. Compare Wells Fargo with competition. Complete a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. Suggest & evaluate business strategies to meet Wells Fargo’s objectives. (Identify global and other strategies, and evaluate application to organization.)