establishing self-directed, high-performing teams, management homework help

You have just attended a manager’s meeting about establishing self-directed, high-performing teams. The company is concerned because some of the managers are having success building self-directed, high-performing teams while others are not. A discussion occurred that identified the characteristics of the successful team building elements and compared them to those managers that have not been successful. This is a situation where those who are struggling need to learn from those who are doing well. The discussions included identifying what could be going wrong and what steps might be taken for success.

You have been asked to write a research report that summarizes the meeting and offers some recommendations that might be helpful to those managers who are struggling. Specifically, your report must include:

  • Identification of the difficulties the managers may be having in establishing self-directed, high-performing teams
  • Identification of the successful characteristic of establishing self-directed, high-performing teams
  • Recommendations for success
  • A designed plan that might help guide the struggling managers and improve negotiation and conflict resolution skills

Use the Library and Internet to research this topic.

Present your findings as a 9-10 pages (body of paper 9-10 not including title page or reference page) formatted in APA style.

struggling need to learn from those who are doing well. The discussions included identifying what could be going wrong and what steps might be taken for success.

You have been asked to write a research report that summarizes the meeting and offers some recommendations that might be helpful to those managers who are struggling.

Specifically, your report must include:

1. Identification of the difficulties the managers may be having in establishing self-directed, high-performing teams
2. Identification of the successful characteristic of establishing self-directed, high-performing teams
3. Recommendations for success
4. A designed plan that might help guide the struggling managers and improve negotiation and conflict resolution skills

Use the Library and Internet to research this topic.
Present your findings as a 9-10 pages (body of paper) formatted in APA style.

I. Abstract (short general overview- no details)
II. Cover Page

Body of Paper

1. Introduction: set the table for the assignment (2 paragraphs, identifying what the purpose and goal of this paper is – use details)
2. Identification of the difficulties the managers may be having in establishing self-directed, high-performing teams (2 paragraphs)
a. group think
b. conflicting goals and agendas
c. power issues (who wants it)
d. competencies
e. did not develop a charter to establish clarity, expectations, and remedies
f. personality conflicts
g. loafers (motivation)
h. forced participation
i. unclear roles, expectations, goals
j. lack of collaboration and communication
k. use Bakken, Mindtools, and Tuckman listed as notes in this chat
l. poor management, management style

3. Identification of the successful characteristics of establishing self-directed, high-performing teams (2 paragraphs)
1. A charter (forges ownership through collaboration)
2. Shared/common goals and vision
3. Clear role, performance, and accountability expectations
4. Conflict resolution plan
5. Frequent collaboration
6. Measure and monitor performance
7. Recognition and reward
8. Reasonable workloads avoiding misallocation of work
9. Open door and honest communication for grievances
10. Frequent feedback
11. Everyone’s voice is heard
12. Sufficient or adequate resources, including skills

4. Recommendations for success (six paragraphs)
1. Develop a charter – explain process and the virtues
2. Awareness of and learn the Tuckman model
-Forming (alignment, fit, competencies, use a Charter)
– Storming (expectations about storming: conflict, positioning, testing boundaries,
what can happen to undermine team performance)
-Norming (expectations)
-Performing (expectations, goals, and outcomes)
-Adjourn (project has been completed)
3. Develop a project plan
4. Team leader chooses members
5. Team building activities that strengthen individual commitment
6. Recognition and reward
7. Frequent collaboration and communication – everyone’s voice is heard

5. A designed plan that might help guide the struggling managers and improve negotiation and conflict resolution skills (2 paragraphs – consider using 12 ways to build an effective and cohesive team) identify methods, techniques, approaches, strategies. Plan components:
1. Charter (includes conflict resolution approach)
a. authority, power and leadership
b. identifies roles and responsibilities of team members
c. identifies collaboration methods and frequency
e. establishes clear work and contribution expectations
f. describes how conflict will be addresse
g. identifies milestones and measurements
h. rewards and recognition
i. reporting out
j. adaptations and adjustments

2. Project Plan (scope, goals, budgets, timelines, measurements, milestones)

6. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)

• 14-16 paragraphs with APA formatting
• Reference Page with 2-4 references