Excel Spreadsheet Assignment

Reflect on the FEMA Whole Community Approach and relate the Strategic Themes listed to ((Norristown, Montgomery County)). List in a table, (as comprehensively as possible) the “unique” subpopulations in your defined community (by language, education or reading level, cultural belief systems, socio-economic capability [financial and /or ‘status’], age, and technology (phone, computer, television, radio, newsprint) access. In the same table (recommend Excel spreadsheet) identify at least two representative agencies or individual community leaders for each defined sub-population. In other words, look to see how the community you have chosen applies the FEMA Whole Community concept.


Whole Community includes:

Individuals and families, including those with access and functional needs


Faith-based and community organizations

Nonprofit groups

Schools and academia

Media outlets

All levels of government, including state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal partners

The phrase “whole community” appears a lot in preparedness materials, as it is one of the guiding principles. It means two things:

Involving people in the development of national preparedness documents.

Ensuring their roles and responsibilities are reflected in the content of the materials.

Also click on this “Get Involved” link – https://www.ready.gov/get-involved

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