Export Management Company Exploration

Let’s assume you work for a small company that exports products. Suppose your employer wants to use an export management company (EMC). Your boss decides you will become the liaison to work with the EMC. In this exploration you are going to research EMCs and report on your findings.Research the various steps and procedures necessary to use an EMC and how different EMCs work. Write a short report explaining what you learned about EMCs (you can format and phrase as though you are writing to your prompt if you wish).Your report should be 1–2 pages.Papers should be double-spaced with 11-point either Arial or Times font, and 1-inch margins. Length requirements do not count citations, headers, or titles.You are required to research for this assignment. All source material must be cited, and cited using APA citations (this is the standard for the business discipline; if you are unfamiliar with how to cite or how to cite using APA, please see the information in the optional Credo Information Literacy module under the Modules tab).