Finding Patent, business and finance homework help

A. You are a senior paralegal in the prestigious patent law firm, Edison, Bell, & Jobs, LLC. Your supervising attorney has requested you to find the following inventions and to carry out her instructions: Google “US Patent” then under US Patent and Trademark Office” select “Search for Patents”, then scroll down to “Searching PDF Image Patents (Since 1790)”, select “View Patent Full-Page Images.” For each of the patent registration numbers provided below, identify 1) what the invention is (including a brief description of its function), 2) the name of the inventor(s), 3) the names of witnesses, 4) the date the patent application was filed, and 5) the date the patent was granted.

1. US Patent No. 6281
2. US Patent No. 198888
3. US Patent No. 504038
4. US Patent No. 6469
5. US Patent No. 2128448

B. Next, select “Searching Full Text Patents (Since 1976)”, select “Patent Number Search”, and enter the patent number. For each of the patent registration numbers provided below, identify 1) what the invention is (including a brief description), 2) the name of the inventor(s), 3) the date the patent application was filed, 4) the name of the Primary Examiner, 5) the number of drawings (e.g. Figs.), 6) the number of US patent documents, and 7) the number of foreign patent documents.

1. US Pat. No. 7959036
2. US Pat. No. 7550684
3. US Pat. No. 5992588
4. US Patent No. 7479949

C. Then, under the American Inventor’s Protection Act of 1999 (AIPA) located on the patent website, please answer the following questions and include where you found your answer [e.g., 39 U.S.C. 72(a)(3)]:

1. How much does it cost to file an application for an original plant patent?

2. Are inventions in outer space covered under the AIPA and if so, provide the date the
rule was added?