For the second part of your summative assessment, law homework help

 Final Project Part II, Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt: For the second part of your summative assessment, you will assume the role of an employee at a fictional company and prepare an executive memopertaining to the legal and ethical implications of a company doing business internationally.


You are working for a major U.S. corporation that wants to expand its reach globally and has narrowed the search down to either Mexico or Japan. Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a memo that analyzes potential compliance issues with respect to aspects of law and ethics that are specific to one of the two countries. You will choose to prepare your memo for either Mexico or Japan and address the critical elements below. This will help inform the final executive decision.

Because you have some fluency with domestic laws, and given your background and history with the corporation, you have been asked to assess the pros and cons of the decision, and to provide your insights with respect to the ethical and legal implications of the expansion.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I.  What pertinent aspects of U.S. law should the company be aware of in its goal to do business internationally?

II.  Assess the legal implications of moving business abroad specific to your chosen country. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

III.  What are the ethical implications involved in this business decision?

IV.  Explain how other domestic companies have managed to comply with the U.S. laws related to this business decision in the past. How did these

companies address potential compliance issues?

Guidelines for Submission: APA style guidelines for your citations and reference list.Generally speaking, the best memos include references to at least two cases for each point of law that is mentioned. At least 5 4 pages excluding title and reference page

Critical Elements

Proficient (100%)

Needs Improvement (75%)

Not Evident (0%)


Aspects of U.S.

States the aspects of U.S. law

States aspects of U.S. law for

Does not state the aspects of U.S.



appropriate for company’s goal to

company’s goal to do business

law appropriate for company’s

do business internationally

internationally, but with gaps in

goal to do business internationally

accuracy or detail


Emphasizes legal implications of

Emphasizes legal implications of

Does not emphasize legal



moving business abroad specific

moving business abroad specific

implications of moving business

to the chosen country,

to the chosen country,

abroad specific to the chosen

differentiating their advantages

differentiating their advantages


and disadvantages

and disadvantages, but with gaps

in logic or detail


Exposes the ethical implications

Exposes the ethical implications

Does not exposes the ethical



involved in this business decision

involved in this business decision,

implications involved in this

but with gaps in logic or detail

business decision


States how domestic companies

States how domestic companies

Does not states how domestic


complied with U.S. laws related to

complied with U.S. laws related to

companies complied with U.S.

business decision

business decision, but with gaps

laws related to business decision

in accuracy or detail

Articulation of

Submission has no major errors

Submission has major errors

Submission has critical errors



related to citations, grammar,

related to citations, grammar,

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, or organization.

spelling, syntax, or organization

spelling, syntax, or organization

that negatively impact readability

that prevent understanding of

and articulation of main ideas.


