Global Population & Retailing Case Study Analysis

Analyze the global population data found in the table from the textbook: Population Demographics: A Global Perspective—Selected Countries.

Analyze the data from a retailing perspective, using each country’s population data to justify your assertions. For example, how would a retailer react to data that suggests a very young or a very old population? How would literacy rate affect marketing strategies? Should the retailers product mix vary by country, and if so, why? How does the size of a country’s population affect decisions? Make sense of the data looking for trends and how these trends would help a retailer become an effective global competitor.

No mathematical calculations are necessary, but cite percentages from the table to support your position and analysis.

Cite at least three credible sources other than the textbook. 

Your response should be 45 pages in length, well written, and in conformity with APA style.
