GOLDEN BUFFALO, INC, management assignment help

Assignment from nickkynickky


Ruben Gomez is the supply manager of Golden Buffalo, a publisher of textbooks. Golden Buffalo’s sales were $45 million last year. Ruben’s department purchases paper, printing equipment, and office and printing supplies. From time to time, it contracts for the printing of a Golden Buffalo book. Supply management reports directly to the general manager. Ruben attends all weekly management meetings along with the manager of marketing, the director of operations, the director of acquisitions, and the finance manager. These weekly meetings are more or less “bull” sessions. Apparently, the general manager, George Zinke, is satisfied with the operating results and the information picked up in the meetings. 

The supply department consists of Ruben, three supply managers, an expediter, and three clerks. Department salaries and operating expenses run about $280,000 per year. Supply spent $18 million last year. 

Ruben recently attended an Institute for Supply Management seminar where he became impressed with the need to market supply management’s contribution to the well-being of the organization. This need for marketing was emphasized when the speaker reported on two incidents wherein supply managers had seen their department reorganized under manufacturing. The speaker maintained that both supply managers were competent. The major problem appeared to be that they had failed to publicize their department’s contributions to their firm’s success. Even before returning from the seminar, Ruben began to wonder what information he should report and how he should report it.

  1. What information should Ruben Gomez report to his fellow managers at the weekly meetings? 
  2. What information should Ruben report directly to the general manager?