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Determining Effective Orientation and Training Methods.docx 

These are the question

In searching for elements of critical thinking in a prior assignment, consider the following:

  • How do you use data in your piece? Effective critical thinking means…
    • Identifying and applying useful data and information
    • Demonstrate logic to interpret data
    • Define and explain important terms and complicated concepts (this might be related to the data or sources you use)
    • Adapting knowledge (or data) to specific scenarios and issues

  • How else do you support your thesis? Effective critical thinking means…
    • Describing experiences and opinions
    • Developing examples to support thesis and claims
    • Articulating relationships

  • How do you deal with opposing points of view? Effective critical thinking means…
    • Recognizing and discuss inferences and faulty logic
    • Developing a plan to generate and construct a solution to a problem
    • Combining multiple viewpoints and strategies in problem solving
    • Identify and address opposing points of view