horror movie

For this assignment you will first select a filmic monster or monstrous villain. (You may include no actual historical people. If your choice is “human”, they must either have some supernatural/mutative component, or exist in multiple iterations. Your choice could also be some exaggerated version of a real animal or natural phenomenon. You can also do “unnamed” horrors such as whatever the Paranormal Activity thing is.) Then use Google Scholar, the SFC Library databases, or a database from Chapter 48 in the textbook (or, any other academic database to which you may have access) to find a scholarly article (from a scholarly journal, or symposium, graduate thesis, or a book collecting scholarly articles) about your “monster” that is at least nine-plus pages long, and summarize it.A summary is a restatement, in your own words, of the content of a text. It focuses on the central idea of the text. It indicates the main points in the text that support or explain the central idea, and will reflect the order in which these points are presented. A good summary has three central qualities: brevity, completeness, and objectivity.A smaller supplementary assignment will require you to submit either links to, or screenshots of the first page of, three articles that you engaged during your selection process, and one of them must be the article you eventually selected. So as you search, be sure to go ahead and either save the links to, or screencap those.Active readership involves looking up the definitions of terminology with which you are unfamiliar when you encounter it. Scholarly articles are written for professors, researchers, and graduate-level students, and will likely contain language that you may have to seek definitions for. Make note of such terms, as a minor supplementary assignment will later require you to submit a list of some terms (along with their definitions) that you had to look up.