Paper # 1How the Dead of a Parent Affect a ChildThe paper should be 7-8 pages in length (excluding the mandatory reference page as well as the cover page), double-spaced, using no larger than a 12-point New Times Roman style font, no larger than one inch margins and APA FORMAT (no abstract needed).  MAKE SURE THAT 2 OUT OF THE 3 ARTICLES ARE NO OLDER THAN 10 YEARS OLD! PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES ONLY!!B) After choosing your sources, you will write a paper comparing how the issue is treated by each of the sources. Offer an analysis and evaluation of each article you read, explain how the similarities and/or differences relate to your thesis, and then make a determination as to which as well as how the article supports your personal view on the issue. Be sure to include a summary of your findings at the end of the paper (e.g. As per the research data, does it support your initial theory regarding the parent-child relationship?).C) Some things to consider before choosing your articles are the following: the purpose of the article; whether the article in support of your opinion, qualifications of the author(s); results significance; contradictory evidence presented in the articles; theoretical viewpoint of the author; what kind of outside sources are cited; whether or not the information is logical; and any other information that is relevant.Listed below are some examples of professional journals, as well as examples of popular periodicals. Keep in mind that this is a very short list; there are many others available. Cohen Library offers access to many other journals as well.  A Short List of Academic Journals: Adolescence Child Development Child Study Journal, Child Today Childhood Education Journal of Divorce Early Child Development & Care Developmental Psychology Journal of Marriage and Family Social Forces Journal of Family Issues Young Children Child Welfare Family Relations Journal of Social Issues Gender & Society Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences Curriculum and Teaching Education and Society Educational Practice and Theory