Below is a list of topics.
- HR-related responsibilities of non-HR managers and supervisors.
- Changes in the labor force that impact your workplace and its managers in the next 10 years.
- The role of job analysis in helping managers design work, plan for their staffing needs, select employees, and evaluate performance.
- Employee empowerment for Dummies. Define it and how an organization can practice it.
- Worker safety and health.
- Designing jobs that achieve business goals and motivate employees.
- Labor surpluses and shortages: what are they and how can managers prevent or minimize them.
- Interviewing for managers: how to design and facilitate a great interview.
- Employee training and employee development.
- Mentoring for success of the employee and the organization.
- High-performing work systems (who, what, why, and how).
- The role and purposes of performance management.
- Collecting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about an employee’s performance: advantages and disadvantages of a 360-degree performance appraisal system, and pitfalls to avoid.
- Three forms of justice in action at work (outcome fairness, procedural justice, and interactional justice) and their impact on _____. Fill in this blank as you see fit.
- Equity theory and employee perception of compensation structures.
- The Balanced Scorecard: it is not just for HR anymore.
- What is in your benefits package?: how to select benefits and how to communicate their value to employees.
- Labor-management. This includes goals set by management, unions, and society, as well as new approaches to labor-management relations.
- Business realities in the 21st century that require managers and employee with global skills, such as multinational organizations, international operations, off-shoring, out-sourcing to other countries, and more.
- Transnational HRM systems: what the manager needs to know about culture, education, economic systems, and political-legal systems.
For this assignment, prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the topic you selected. Your audience is comprised of non-HR managers, who need to know how this topic applies to their role in the employee and employer relationship. Be sure to include information about employment laws or regulations that apply. The focus is not on the laws, however.
Follow this suggested format to complete the assignment. Depending on your topic and how you choose to present it, you may use more or less slides; just keep in mind that the content slides should be between 7-10 slides. Include speaker notes of no more than 250 words per slide. These notes should explain the key ideas about each bullet point on the slide; write these notes as if you are delivering the presentation to your intended audience.
- Slide 1: Title.
- Slide 2: Executive Summary.
- Slide 3: Introduction of your topic.
- Slides 4–6: Explanation of how HRM strategies apply to business needs.
- Slides 7–9: Explanation of the applicable functions of HRM and how they relate to your topic.
- Slides 10–12: Explanation of HRM issues, trends, and best practices associated with the line manager’s responsibility to your topic.
- Slide 13: Conclusion.
- Slide 14: References.
Please review the scoring guide for this assignment to ensure you understand how your presentation will be graded. Please cite any references you utilize using APA style and formatting. Include those resources on your final slide.
Listed under Resources are several resources to help you complete this assignment. Please note that the link to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a resource to help you write the executive summary. From the OWL home page, enter the key word search “executive summary” to locate the information on writing an executive summary.