Include cover, presentation agenda, conclusion, and reference list slides, all of which may count toward total slide count.Provide a slide with an overview on the importance of having a highly-developed staff of HR business partners. Be clear with your position.Example:The Evolution of the HR Business Partner Role.Provide 1–4 slides introducing the SHRM BoCK model and its components. Be sure to highlight each of the areas of the model. Note: It is highly recommended to insert an image of the actual SHRM BoCK model into the presentation.Include in the remaining slides the following required presentation information:Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “Behavioral Competencies.”Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “HR Expertise: Domains 1 & 2.”Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “HR Expertise: Domains 3 & 4.”Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing specifics on certifying your HRBPs.Note: Good PowerPoints have very few words on the slides themselves—almost all of the information you need to include should be in the Notes.Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: You may only use the resources listed in the Course Guide and those that are specifically provided by the professor.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Have headings for each section with all bulleted information aligned properly and using the same font and size. Images may be used but must be professional and relevant to the topic.The source or sources of all images must be credited with both citation and reference. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include citations and references for all information received from other sources.All bullet point information in the Notes sections must be descriptive and have a minimum of 3–4 full sentences.