I need this these anserws right away with a reference within 40 minutes

I need this these anserws right away with a reference within 40 minutes about 10 sentence for each questionWhat are the major assumptions of the contingency approach to leadership? Compare and contrast Path-Goal Theory and LMX. How have each of these contingency theories contributed to our understanding of leadership?List and describe the Big Five personality dimensions and explain how they influence behavior and performance in the workplace. Choose two of the following personality traits – locus of control, Type A behavior pattern, self-monitoring, Machiavellianism and narcissism. Explain how possessing these traits could be a help and/or a hindrance to your effectiveness as a leader.Explain the apparent contradiction of the following statement: The less a leader uses her power the more she has. Do you agree? Why or why not. Include a discussion of the different types of power in your answer