“I used to be indecisive. Now I’m not so sure”

  • Watch the video titled “Making decisions” (4 min 4 s), located at http://www.lynda.com/Business-Skills-tutorials/Making-decisions/160362/182193-4.html?org=strayer.edu. Next, provide an example of how your personality and values have influenced your actions and / or decisions in your current or past organization. Be specific as to the particular action or decision that your personality and values influenced. Next, construct your own decision-making maxim, and explain the significant way(s) that your personality and values align to said maxim.
  • Analyze the manner in which perceptions can influence the integration of diversity in an organization. Next, explore the influence that perception can have on the way in which a person would make an ethical decision based on the three (3) ethical decision criteria discussed in the text.

Please keep the bullet point and answer together. Please make sure the answer is within 200 words and include references. Thank you