Impacts and Research Findings, management homework help

The project deliverables must include the following:

  • Update the Management Research document title page with a new date and project name.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • New Content (Week 2)
    • Research Methodology
      • Compare and contrast at least 5 current articles on the subject’s issue, and develop a review of the literature with discussions, findings, and conclusions. This article should be ProQuest or equivalent with pears-review.
      • Identify and explain your understanding of how to measure the current state of the problem issue using your own situation and the measures used in the literature you found using your own situation and the measures used in the literature you found.
      • Identify and explain your understanding of how to measure the success of the solution to the problem issue.
  • Be sure to update your Table of Contents before submission.

1000 to 2000 words (1200 is ok)