During this unit, you have examined the missions, objectives, and some initiatives formulated for the DHS’ Science and Technology Directorate and FEMA’s Building Science Branch.
Assignment Guidelines
- In 5–6 paragraphs, address the following:
- Consider the 5 divisions within the DHS Office of S&T. What major functions or areas regarding homeland security may be missing from this list? Explain.
- Name and describe what other/additional divisions might be included or which should be specifically listed separately from another division in which it is found.
- Does DHS’ selection of divisions truly meet the intent of its stated mission? Why or why not?
- You’ll have to revisit the site to know the mission.
- What recommendations would you make to DHS to best support its customers? Explain.
- Return once more to the DHS S&T Directorate’s Web site. To what extent do you believe this office adequately supports preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery for manmade accidents and natural disasters?
- Provide at least 3 examples of DHS activity, objectives, or initiatives indicating support is either evident or lacking.
- Consider the 5 divisions within the DHS Office of S&T. What major functions or areas regarding homeland security may be missing from this list? Explain.
- Post a new topic to the Discussion Board that contains your responses to the above questions.
- Comment on at least 2 other students’ posts.