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Social Work perspective

The instructions to this paper are uploaded. The directions are laid out and the paper should be completed as it states. Title paper and complete sentences and grammar is a must with this paper.

On question number 1: I attended public school. I did not mind the school placements. I was able to make lifelong friendships with people that are still in my life today. (I am African American)

Question number 2: My science/homeroom teacher in the 6th grade persuade me to tryout out for soccer (she was the soccer coach as well) and she has been apart of my life since then. She would also let my dad and brother come to her house whenever they wanted to go fishing in their pond. That was a positive experience because she saw something in me that I did not see myself at that time.

Question number 3: My science/homeroom/soccer coach in middle school, my marketing/management teacher in high school (she taught 2 of my aunts), and my elementary school bus driver (she knew all of my siblings and me).

Question number 4:I believe Christianity or other religions should have a role in schools (explain why).