Looking at the descriptives (first information), do you see differences in the mean alcohol contents for the three levels of…

Looking at the descriptives (first information), do you see differences in the mean alcohol contents for the three levels of quality? Explain.Looking at the Test for Homogeneity of Variances (Levene Statistic), is it reasonable to proceed with the ANOVA? Is the assumption met, or violated? How do you know?Looking at the results of the ANOVA, is there a significant difference in the mean alcohol content for beers in the three quality groups? How do you know? Write the results in the following format: F(df value) = ___, p value = ______.The pairwise post hoc tests indicate which quality groups’ means are statistically significantly different for the others. Using the results of the Tukey HSD post hoc test, what two quality rating groups had significantly different mean alcohol by volume levels? How do you know?