low interest rates, business and finance homework help

  1. low interest rates have had a variety of negative impacts on pension funds and pension funding
  2. Papers are to be 7 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) pages long before graphics and exhibits. They are to be typed, single-sided, double-spaced with 12pt font (Arial or Times Roman), with a cover page that includes the paper’s title, your name, the class & section, the semester and the date written. They are to be complete enough to cover the topic, but not less than 7 (seven) complete pages of text before graphics and bibliography. They should contain a hypothesis, proof of the hypothesis, and a conclusion.

    The topic is to be researched and footnoted where applicable. Footnotes are to include the source, date, article/book name and author. Acceptable research material does not include the textbook or Wikipedia (or similar open access sites). Research must include at least 3 sources, including at least 1 book from the library, or from a peer-reviewed journal, properly cited.

    Papers are intended to display the student’s grasp of a single business finance topic in terms of analysis and writing ability. The audience is assumed to be your immediate supervisor in the work space.