First of all, need to use Excel answer questions within the text of the case.
A. Create a Site Statistics Analysis worksheet.
B. Format data to make it more appealing and understandable, including header with relevant information.
C. Record visitor statistics in a logical way to assess various statistics about the website’s traffic over the period.
After that, please answer Information specification questions.
D. Mr. Allan wants a chart that compares the site connections used to link his Web site and the number of times the site connection was used. The chart should display the site connection data by month.
E. What percentage of visitors added the Web site to their list of favorite links? The chart should compare the visitor percentages by month.
F. Mr. Allan wants to know the average stay by operating system, connection, and browser. Mr. Allan wants the information displayed in pivot tables. Based on the results, what conclusions might you draw?
I will also upload excel filed that you need to use. Thank you!