MBA690 UOPX The life cycle of the event planning business of S.H.E

Prompt: In this milestone, consider the sustainability of your idea in the marketplace from initial inventory to subsequent sustainment in the supply chain. Specifically, examine the company’s own inventory as a starting point—that inventory came from a supplier—which is where your supply chain starts. Additionally, your finished product will travel downstream along the supply chain by means of shippers, distribution centers and then finally, to a retailer. These components should be outlined in this paper.

Identify and describe the technologies you intend to use along the company’s supply chain such as RFID tagging and bar coding, e-procurement, and 3PL. Identify and justify your clicks or bricks decision, that is, your rationale for brick-and-mortar locations or internet services or a combination of both. The paper should identify the key data needed to support the functions of inventory management and supply chain management.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

III. Life Cycle: In this section, you will discuss the life cycle of S.H.E. Specifically, you should:

a) Describe the life cycle of S.H.E. Focus your response on the future of the business idea, specifically on its growth and eventual decline.

b) Assess the profit generation and cost-saving opportunities associated with S.H.E. based on the life cycle you described. Your assessment should be supported with rationale.

c) Determine a phase-out plan for S.H.E. that ensures a sustainable solution that makes way for future innovation and profit streams. Ensure that you justify the steps in your plan.

Use original work

Use uploaded papers as a guide to understand the company.

8 pages

APA format