Need HR Tutor to help me with a report

I have a capestone class that requiers me to work in a bank. now, i am working on a bank in the HR (development and learining section). the main point that i worked on are:1- i worked on receieving the employees requests in the bank.2- meeting with my team to choose a specific department to give them courses in ( customer service, english, microsoft word, excel..etc)3- Sometimes “SAMA” which is the saudi moneytary agency requirs for my bank to have a new course, so i recieve this request and do it. for example, they require us to have a new course for the customer service “banker” so we scheduale this course for them.4- also worked on the data base which i insert each empolyee information and how many courses that he/she take on the year so i create a profile for them.5- also, “SAMA” putted exams, these exams are require for the branches of the bank so i am the connector between SAMA and the bank branches so i also take this order from SAMA and hand it to my bank branches, after that i contact with each manager branch and recieve from them the employees that they are going to take the exam and let SAMA know the names of these employees so SAMA can schedual for them the day and time for the exam.please write about these main point and expand the ideas  (complete it from your mind and expand it from your mind) the report should be 6 pages and please use simple words and vocabulary because english is my second language. i need it within 24 hours