need it done asap!!!

The purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply ethical theories to the complex issue of Ageism in the workplace, particularly in the area of employment. In the modern workplace there appear to be three key issues which address ageism in employment; some of which has been exacerbated by recent economic issues and an aging population: Older job seekers fight ageism as a barrier to re-employment; younger job-seekers have trouble obtaining career entry; and last, evidence in many countries highlight that older worker employment and youth employment are not connected in any way. This last point is generally known in economics as the “Lump of Labor Fallacy.” This seems counter-intuitive to personal belief and perceptions perpetuate a view that if older workers are employed in a tight labor market, then they must be occupying the jobs of the country’s youth. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:Using at least one ethical perspective or theory from the text and one item of scholarly evidence, present an argument to a group of younger workers (regarding older worker and youth employment) that refutes the notion that older workers take employment from the young.Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any referencesThe purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply ethical theories and perspectives to modern issues of the workplace. Off-duty conduct away from the workplace can be monitored and reported in many ways and with the increase in social media use, there will be far greater opportunities for employers to become aware of what employees get up to outside of the workplace. While some types of behaviors are especially concerning as they may have on-duty consequences, there are other types of off-duty behavior which are more difficult to clearly define as grossly inappropriate to warrant employer intervention. But who draws this line and what are the ethical implications of where the line is drawn? Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:Using the resources provided, your own research, and your knowledge of the ethical concepts from the text, consider the issue of off-site monitoring of conduct:Are there different levels of concerning conduct and should they be treated differently?What are the issues for the employer? Using one ethical theory or perspective, to help support the employer’s viewpoint, and use a scholarly resource as your evidence.What about the employee’s viewpoint? Use one ethical theory or perspective to support the employee’s right to privacy outside of work, and use a scholarly resource as your evidence.If your boss asked about your off-duty activity, how would you respond? Share your un-emotional, well defined, evidence-based, response to your boss to support your viewpoint.Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.