Q1. Research one e-commerce business in the retail or services industry that is considered an industry leader. Develop a detailed list of the organization’s offerings and how these offerings compare to one of their major competitors.
Here is the answers from others. and choose any 2 to give them feedback from A-B ( just give them feedback nothing else)
4 full sentences is fine for each feedback
A. Netflix is an industry leader of digital content. This is a pretty broad definition, but it is necessary in order to compare one of its biggest competitors to it – Comcast.
- On demand content – Exclusively
- There are over 27,000 genres (approximate number)
- Low monthly rate ($10.99/month)
- Viewable from multiple platforms
- No live sports
- No local news
- No liveTV
- Not an ISP
- On demand content – limited with base rate. Higher premium needed for more channels.
- There are roughly 182 channels (the only thing I could think of comparing to Netflix’sgenres) and not all included with base price.
- High monthly rate ($59.99/month* *for the first 6 months)
- Viewable from multiple platforms
- Live Sports – some channels are not included with base price.
- Local news
- Live TV
Honestly, if Netflix could offer live sports and keep their monthly rates below $20/month, I think they would put Comcast out of business. The only reason that I have Comcast is because I live in an area that requires a massive attena on top of the roof to get any TV via the air waves, and football. I’ve spoken with many of my family and friends and they feel the same as I do, if Netflix offered streamed football games with a reasonable monthly rate, I would never think about Comcast again. I would use the new 5G network from verizon with an unlimited data plan as a source of internet, and I would use Netflix exclusively for my digital content.
B. Amazon has opened 17 book stores, 5 grocery stores, and is the largest E-commerce retailer in the world generating 178 billion in U.S. dollars alone.
Walmart is considered the world’s largest revenue generating company, and has about 11,718 stores across 28 countries, and expects ecommerce sales to rise 40% this year.
Amazon and Walmart products includes electronics, food, grocery, clothing and various deals on daily basis. Although, Walmart is one of Amazon’s top competitors and have similar products and services, they are different in many ways:
Amazon allows consumers to start an online business, has Alexa Echo, online movies, video games, Kindle, e-books, free shipping with prime, no interest credit card paid back in 55 days, and a virtual grocery store where customers scan their cell phone to enter, shop, and their Amazon account is charged, and a receipt is sent directly to their cell phone when exiting.
Walmart has a Blue Bird app which allows customers to deposit paychecks, reload, transfer, or wire cash with their cell phones, a Walmart rapid reload debit card, consumer bill pay, online grocery ordering and pick-up service, self-checkout, money orders, tax prep help, furniture assembly, tire, and oil change service, Pharmacy, Vision Center and free shipping to the store.
Although, Amazon is my favorite e-commerce store, and Walmart is my favorite traditionally retail store, preferences may change if Walmart continues to race towards E-commerce and Amazon towards brick and mortar stores.
Top Amazon Competitors”.
June 13, 2018. https://www.marketing91.com/amazon-competitors/
Source: Deagon, Brian. Amazon Vs. Walmart: Locking Horns in A Battle for Retail’s Future. 2/27/2018.
Q2. As mobile devices like smart phones, tablets, and wearable computing devices have become more common, think of some of the impacts on organizations.
- What are some security concerns for organizations with these types of mobile devices?
- What benefits do mobile devices bring to health care, education, and other areas?
- Would you consider Drones to be mobile devices?
Take a look at the following resources to help with this week’s discussion board:
- Countering Mobile Device Threats
- Management of Mobile Devices – How to Implement a New Strategy
- Privacy and security in the era of digital health
- The Advantages of Mobile Health Apps Today and Tomorrow
- Connected Devices Are Transforming the Medical World, but Pose Security Challenges
Here is the answers from others. and choose any 2 to give them feedback from A-B ( just give them feedback nothing else)
4 full sentences is fine for each feedback
A. 1) People tend to be careless with devices at times and those devices can easily be stolen which can compromise data. These devices also tend to be dropped and broken a lot which can lose data and cost money. People might also be more tempted to send sensitive work related information on a personal email if they’re using a personal device like a smart phone or tablet.
2) They can make health care easier since the advancement of those devices means doctors and nurses don’t have to be tied down to a desktop and can work more freely and quickly. In the field of education it means children are exposed to technology at a younger age and will be more familiar and proficient with it in the work place.
3) I personally would since you could live stream the video feed from the camera on the drone to forms of social media. While it is a lot less portable than something like a tablet or smart phone it can still broadcast data to the internet like those devices.
B. Mobile devices are having immense impacts to the way that work is done in virtually every business in the current era. As mobile devices make an individuals every day life easier, it stands to reason those same conveniences could be applied to professionals as well.
Per the Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting(2016), the top security concerns as it pertains to mobile devices are wide ranging. Some examples include, but are not limited to the theft of the device, a hijacking of the device, infection from virus, impersonation of the device, data leakage, message contamination, modification or destruction of data files, jail unlocking, continuous sending of SMS or MMS messages or denial of service (DoS) threats. While infrastructure technology resources within an organization can take steps to mitigate these risks, they are dependent on how conscious employees are of the appropriate security practices, as complicated as using VPN’s and remote access servers to gain access from a mobile device, to as simple as not misplacing their device.
That being said, the benefits that swift communications with employee resources that mobile devices provide to Healthcare providers are immense. While being able to connect health care professionals to patients as quickly and with more detail then ever before is a great utilization of technology, according to Mhealth Intelligence(2015) one of the even biggest gains pertains to utilization of Healthcare apps. Use of these apps has reduced hospitalization by 92% and emergency room visits by 87%. This is significant, as these are the most costly types of health related actions that an individual may need to perform. (M & G, 2012)
As it pertains to drones, they connect to phones that are more commonly referred to as ‘mobile devices’ however, there are drones that have onboard operating mechanisms and can operate without the use of a smartphone, therefore, making them a sort of “mobile device.” As these devices typically require some sort of over-the-air connection, they are susceptible to security concerns and should be considered a mobile device that is open to potential compromise.
C. 1. As smart phones, tablets, and other computing devices have become more common, hackers are seeking every avenue available to break into them. There are some security concerns as follows:
a. Physical access
b. Malicious code
c. Device attacks
d. Communication interception
e. Insider threats
2. However, the benefits of mobile devices in health care go beyond the communication channels. they enable better coordination, improve diagnostic accuracy, and build a bridge of trust.
a. Better point of care communication
b. Seamless data flow
c. Direct patient management
d. Enhances physician efficiency
e. Increases diagnostic accuracy
3. Although, there was an article by Telstra CTO Hakan Eriksson, said that drones are the flying mobile phones. I refer drones can be controlled with your smart phones or tablet. Higher end drones still rely on a dedicated remote for actual flight controls, but many toy class units fly using nothing more than an app and a WIFI or bluetooth connection.