NEU Letter to the School Administration

Briefly describe the incident which led to you being assigned this paper.
• Reflect on the policies of which you were found in violation. Why do they exist? What purpose do they serve?

• How was your behavior inconsistent with the University’s expectations?
• How have your behaviors potentially impacted others (examples: residence hall community, friends, classmates, Northeastern community, outside community)?

• If placed in a similar situation again, how would your actions be similar or different? Why? You should consider this paper to be no different than one you would submit to a professor for class. This paper may not serve to justify your own actions nor evaluate the actions of others. This paper must be typewritten and double-spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point font, and appropriate citations. Before submitting it to me, it should be proofread and grammar checked.

The rules that I break are:

Based upon this information as well as careful consideration of all other information provided at the hearing, I have issued the following findings for the charge(s) under consideration:
1. Smoking: Smoking of any tobacco products is prohibited at Northeastern University. Refer to for a full description of the policy. (AH) — Accepted Responsibility

2. Violation of A Guide to Residence Hall Living: Failure to abide by the rules and regulations set forth for all on campus students and stated in A Guide to Residence Hall Living. (AH) — Accepted Responsibility