Personal Artifact Speech

Personal Artifact Speech & OUTLINE!!!

Time: 5 minutes

Objective: The main function of this speech is to get your feet wet. It is far less concerned with structure, style sources, and preparation than later assignments. It is an opportunity for you to speak on something you know and care about and use story to convey your message. For this speech, you will focus on delivery, topic selection, purpose, intro and conclusion.

Topic: Select an object from your home, car, life, etc. . ., that is of special importance to you or, in some way, symbolizes a part of you, a lesson you learned, a story of you “then and now.” The artifact can be as elaborate as a patchwork quilt or as simple as a paper clip. Prepare a presentation that uses story to discuss the artifact in terms of its significance to you, and that gives us some insight into life in general. The presentation can be humorous or serious, but must have a message that the audience can benefit from in an important way–try not to go for the most obvious, like how important your cell phone is to you and everyone alive today. Think meaningful and of sharing something about you. In some cases, you may decide you want to use a visual aid. If so, plan to bring an image on a removable drive and email it to yourself so that you can access it from our classroom. Don’t print out pictures to hold up or plan to pass anything around. You only need a bibliography if you consult sources.

Format: This speech should be delivered extemporaneously. You may use a brief outline with notes that help you remember the order of ideas. Do not attempt to memorize this presentation. Talk with us. The speech should have an introduction, 2 main points, and a conclusion.

Example: Below is an example of how you might organize the speech. There are two options for organizing the body, but all presentations must adhere to the Intro and Conclusion structure.

Introduction (prepare this part after the body)

I. Attention Getter (Really think about this one and prepare something that grabs our attention and gets us interested in what you are about to say). The book has examples of this.

II. Preview Statement (Tell us what you’re going to tell us. This is a clear “road map” to the rest of the speech and should be clear).

Body (prepare this part first)

I. Tell a story about the artifact

II. Talk about the importance of the artifact


I. Describe the historical moment surrounding the artifact

II. Talk about the significance of this moment

Conclusion (prepare this part last, but don’t forget to prepare it)

I. Big Picture/Summary (What did you tell us and why?)

II. Memorable statement (Don’t trust that you will know what to say when you get to this point. Make a deliberate choice about how you will end the speech and leave us thinking).

Be creative. Have fun. Start your process by writing down all the ideas you might want to cover and then see about organizing them so that they flow nicely and will make sense. While you work, consider the whole presentation and the how the audience will hear and understand you, don’t just paste some random thoughts together. While you practice, listen for your most authentic and clear speaking self and stay in that mode.