pitch deck

need 500 word speech and 15 slides pptcheck this website https://alejandrocremades.com/slides-you-need-in-your-pitch-deck/pitch a unique idea/service/product (must be special)should includeIntroDefine the company, business, service or product in a single sentence.Teamldentify a core group of talent that can execute on the naxt set of milestones.OpportunityEstablish the need for your company’s solution and the size of the marketSolutionDemonstrate how you will solve the problem and validate your differentiation.Competitionkentify your competitors, validate your differentiator.Biz ModelExplain how you will generate revenue, show us what you’ve accomplishedto date and make future forecasts,The AskAsk for the order and outline what you need from us to make your business a success