Please help me with accounting question.


Tom and Mary were married years ago and had one child, Amber. Tom and his partner Dave were recently flying in Dave’s new plane. For a brief period, Dave was distracted and lost control of the plane.

Unfortunately, the plane crashed and Dave died instantly and Tom died a few days later as a result of the injuries sustained during the crash.

When Tom died he and Mary owned the following property:

* Home valued at $500,000 held JTWROS with Mary

* Car 1 valued at $10,000 held by Tom’s business

* Car 2 valued at $15,000 held Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship by Tom and Mary

* Rolex watch valued at $50,000 held fee simple by Tom

* Boat valued at $20,000 held tenancy in common by Tom and Dave

* Life insurance Policy 1 on Tom’s life, owned by Mary. The fair market value of the policy was $100,000 and the death benefit was $200,000. The beneficiary is Amber.

* Life insurance policy 2 on Tom’s life, owned by Tom. The fair market value of the policy was $85,000 and the death benefit was $500,000. The only beneficiary is Mary.

* Non-qualified investment account valued at $2,000,000 owned by Tom, and Mary as the T.O.D.