Project, Answer questions

4.In a given year, interest rates fall by 300 basis points (3%) and equity prices are flat. Discuss the effect ofthis on a defined benefit pension plan that is 60% invested in equities and 40% invested in bonds. (Showany calculations).5.As the Chief Risk Officer of Bitcoin Inc., you need to determine the weighted probability of returns of thefirm’s $10 million allocation to bitcoin.Below is a probability table of potential returns for the firm’s bitcoin investment:Return Probability200% 2.5%100% 5%45% 20%15% 31%-15% 18%-30% 14%-60% 9.5%A. Calculate the weighted probability of returns in a percentage and dollar amount (show thecalculations).B. Based on the above table, what is the maximum dollar amount the portfolio could return?C. Based on the above table, what is largest dollar loss the portfolio could experience?6.The price of gold is currently $1,400 per ounce. The forward price for delivery in one year is $1,650. Anarbitrageur can borrow money at 3% per annum.What should the arbitrageur do and why? Assume that the cost of storing gold is zero and that goldprovides no income. (Show any calculations)9.A. If a call’s strike price is above market price, what is the option moneyness and does it make the price ofthe call expensive or cheap and why?B. If a put’s strike price is above the market price, what is the option moneyness and does it make theprice of the put expensive or cheap and why?10.Options are wasting assets.A. As a wasting asset, which of the “Greeks” derives the rate of change of an option’s value?B. Is the value of this “Greek” usually positive or negative and why?11.What position is equivalent to a long forward contract to buy an asset at K on a certain date and a longposition in a European put option to sell it for K on that date? (Show any calculations)