project presentation

Instructions to a project presentation:


  1. Identify a health problem in your area of work or community in which you can develop a preventive program.


  1. Use APA format, project should be 10-15 pages long, not including references and presentation page.


  1. References: For research please use the following sites as references: CINHAL, PUBMED, and/or COCHRANE.


  1. Create a clinical question using the PICOT (problem/patient/or population, intervention/indicator, comparison, outcome, and time element or type of study).


  1. Objectives of the presentation


  • Define preventive services commonly offered to different types of communities, using Healthy People 2020.
  • Explain how to develop and write a practical policy for preventive services
  • Define the steps to develop Primary Health Plan.
  • Explain the evaluation criteria of a primary health plan .
  • Explain the commonly used methods for evaluating a preventive health program.
  • Identify a health problem in which it is important to develop a preventive health program.


  1. Use information listed on Healthy People 202 site and power point presented in class.


  1. Include interventions (Primary, Secondary, and tertiary preventions)


  • Primary: Health promotion and specific protection
  • Secondary: Early diagnosis, prompt treatment, and disability limitation
  • Tertiary: Restoration and rehabilitation.



  1. Choose one of the four overarching goals to work on the project:


  • Attain high quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death.
  • Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups.
  • Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all.
  • Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.