PSYCH331 CSU Fullerton Personal Opinion On Political Structure Of USA

turn the topics that i have and the answers in parentheses into a 3 page paper

  • Identify yourself
    • Socially ( introvert and realist)
    • Economically (lower middle class. my family and i struggled heavy when we first moved to Texas from California)
    • Politically/Philosophically ( democrat/ liberal and explain what that means to be a democrat and why i associate with this political party)
  • Your Perception of the Political Structure
    • Identify your place in this system
      • Do you belong ( i dont belong in this system because it wasnt made for black males like myself to)
      • Do you feel you belong? ( i do not feel like i belong in the system because the system was made for people of my color to fail)
      • Are you an American ( i am an american because this is where i was born and raised and i am ignorant about where in africa do my ancestors originate)
      • Are you a hyphenated American? ( i am a african- american so yes)
    • What is right with the system
      • Justify and support ( i appreciate that the system allows us to be anything we want and doesnt control what we do as long as its not deemed as unacceptable to the public, everybody can make a life for themselves in america)
    • What is wrong with the system
      • Where would you place the blame ( i place the blame in the founding fathers that didnt want to make the country accessible for people of my skin color)
      • Find support to justify what you think went wrong ( while the system allows us to be anything you want it makes it extremely hard to succeed as a minority this system is designed to keep minorities in jail and keep the family broken so the sons grow up and repeat the same cycle)
    • How you would fix or change the system
      • What is your ideology of perfecting the system? ( making the system equal for all to succeed so that no minority is singled out and everybody has the same opportunity to make the best life that they can)
      • What is your ideology to eliminate the present system? (realistically the only way to eliminate the present system would be to start over but i dont even think that it would work unless the previous generations die off so that no one remembers the old system and would try to have it put back in place)
  • In reference to this Course __________.
    • Who are you Politically? (democrat/liberal)
    • Who are you Ethnically? (an african american male)