Replies on writing

‏At the beginning of each response you should put grated name student good advice on the discussion and the.

1 – student name : yousuf ( It’s the first step before writing the paragraph, its when ideas come to mind and notes get written down. The pre-writing is a hard step, a lot of ideas get mixed. A student should have some notes; sentences or words, these note can help the person focusing topic of the paragraph. The second step is the plan, how the begging of the paragraph mean and how its going to affect the writing. Plan is important because it help to know what is the topic sentence. Then comes the draft this determine how the whole paragraph is going to look. Taking the idea or the main topic, began writing and telling the theme. Grammar and punctuation should be added to make the writing more professional. The next step is the revise, review what is written add sentences or take out the run out sentences. The paragraph should make sense ? check the paragraph; grammar, capital capital letters, period, etc. By doing this step it will help to make the writing more effective and easy to read. The final step is the proofread, this last step is about going back and check the entire paragraph for any sentences that doesn’t make sense. Another great idea is to correct any mistakes in grammar or small words. After taking the time writing the assignment step by step and reviewing it, now it’s ready to be turned in)

2-student name : savanna ( A writer has many ways to express themselves, one way is to use a writing process. A typical writing process contains seven steps. The writing steps are to assess, invent, organize, draft, review and revise, edit, and publish. The first step is to asses, the writer analyses why they are writing to whom they are writing. This step determines the formality of the writing. The next step is to invent. The inventing step is the pre-writing phrase. Commonly, people will outline in the inventing phrase. After the inventing phrase is to organize. Organizing is when the ideas of the writer are laid out. The writer decides how they want their writing to flow. The next step is to draft. Drafting is when the writer writes most of their ideas out. Geoffrey Moore stated that the organizing phase is like Microsoft Powerpoint and the draft phase is like Word. Once a writer has a draft, then they review and revise. The best way to review and revise is to get three to four peers to read and give feedback on your writing. After a writer has their draft review then they should edit taking into account the feedback on their draft. The final step is to publish. Publishing is when the writer makes sure the writing is cosmetically pleasing and in the right format. There are many different formats depending on the type of writing, such as MLA, APA, Chicago, and more. The assessing step will help to determine the formate appropriate. The writing process is one way for the writer to formulate their writing in the best way to express themselves.

I have used the writing process or a close version of the writing process throughout my academic career. I had to write a business proposal for my marketing class. I assessed that my proposal had to be formal and in the APA format. I jotted down idea and features I wanted my proposal to demonstrated. Then I wrote my draft. By the time I was done with my draft, I was 200 words short in the word count requirement. I was able to look back at my ideas I jotted down (the invention step) to see that I forgot two points I wanted to put into my proposal. I quickly added those ideas and was able to get to the word count requirement. By using the writing process, I was able to better my writing and express my ideas into my writing.)

3 – student name: Rand ( The Writing Process Academic and professional writing involves a series of steps; assessing, inventing, organizing, drafting, review, editing, and publishing (Khan Academy, 2013). It is essential to work through each step to produce a complete and polished paper.

Assessing entails the determination of the general purpose, the format of paper and choosing a topic. The step helps the writer determine what he/she needs to communicate and the audience. The second step, invention, entails putting down any materials or ideas that one feels are necessary to inspire the paper. The writer exercises free writing to try to determine a direction for the paper. The third stage is organizing; the writer evaluates the ideas invented to determine how to organize the ideas, for example, which points to comprise the main points. Divergent and convergent thinking is also exercised to brainstorm the ideas for the paper.

The writer then gets to the drafting stage; this is the first composition of the paper. The writer writes a rough draft to give a glimpse of the ideas as well as how they will be connected. After drafting, the writer reviews the paper to put into perspective the ideas put down. The step also entails obtaining feedback on the paper for further development. From here, the writer enters the editing stage; modifications are made depending on the writer’s review as well as the feedback. Editing tools like spelling, grammar and plagiarism checker are utilized to polish up the paper ready for presentation. The last step, publishing, the writer looks for the appropriate channel to reach his/her target audience for presentation.

I once wrote an English paper hurriedly without taking time to edit. There were many grammatical errors and careless spelling that it cost me 10 points in the exam and dropped my overall grade. Skipping any step in the writing process may lead to low-quality papers. Why should anyone risk academic and professional implication for skipping straightforward steps in the writing process?)

4-student name:nori ( When writing you have to follow the guidelines to making sure your paper is at it’s best. A writing process gives the opportunity to prewrite, plan, draft, revise, and proofread a paragraph. For prewriting, you have to think of words that will come to mind when writing your paragraph. That leads into planning. For planning, you have to look at what you just jot down in your prewrite and think of what your going to write about for your paragraph. Then for your draft, you put your prewrite and planning together and don’t focus on punctuation or grammar. After that you revise your rough draft to see if you have anything missing or that was important to add into your paragraph. Lastly, proofread the paragraph and fix all miss spellings, errors, punctuation, and correct all sentences. I’ve myself have encountered with the writing process to understand why it is important to use. I had to write a essay on the book ,”The Outsiders” using evidence from the book to support it. I didn’t prewrite anything nor did I plan my paragraphs out, I just went with the flow. I did do a rough draft, but I felt like my rough draft was good enough to turn in as a final draft. I never revised my essay, just proofread it and turned it in. That’s where I messed up. I got a bad grade on that essay because I didn’t take the time to do the writing process and gather all my information together. It doesn’t matter what you have to write, the writing process is important to do before writing anything. )