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The family is in charge of transmitting to the child the uses and customs of their environment, modeling, stimulating, reinforcing, punishing, or rejecting the behaviors, attitudes and beliefs of its members. It allows the individual to adapt to the historical and social conditions of his time, thus ensuring continuity in civilization (Silva, 2003).Likewise, it provides the material, emotional and emotional resources necessary for the person to be able to learn, so that the family context plays a basic role in the child’s evolution, especially in childhood. It is in this period where practices are crucial for the development of certain behaviors and personality (Meece, 2000).As well as the preference of the child and self-regulation, in this sense it is important to bring enrichment environments where the children can develop their language, communication, empathy, and other skills and values that “playing” develop. In this sense, the children have to play in order to get all these social skills because they can model behaviors as well as the ability of decision taking, solving problems and conflict solutions.Nowadays, the rhythm and the dynamics of the society sometimes make the mothers´ roll difficult to follow that is why some care givers had taken that place. However the most important is to support the child and have him/her regulate by setting limits making them able to get the autonomy they need in order to grow with self-steam and self-control (Kostelink, Whiren, Soderman and Kara, 2009).ReferencesMeece, Judith L. (2000) Development of children and adolescents for educators. Ed. Mc Graw-Hill. MexicoKostelink, Marjorie J .; Whiren, Alice P .; Soderman, Anne K .; Gregory Kara M. (2009) The Social Development of Children. Cangage Learning Editors, S.A. of C.V., Mexico